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Woman Who Allegedly Ripped Chicago Teen's Baby From Her Womb Pretended It Was Hers
Marlen Ochoa-Uriostegui was nine months pregnant when Clarisa Figueroa allegedly lured her to her home under the pretense of offering baby clothes.
Three people were arrested and charged Thursday afternoon in connection with the killing of a pregnant teenager whose baby was cut out of her womb in Chicago.
The body of 19-year-old Marlen Ochoa-Uriostegui was discovered dumped in a garbage can behind the home of a 46-year-old woman who had claimed to have just given birth to the baby boy, according to The Chicago Sun Times.
Now, three people have been arrested in connection with her death, that woman included. Police say the teen had gone to her home believing she was going to retrieve baby clothes for the baby that was growing inside her. She has reportedly gotten baby clothes from the suspect before.
Clarisa Figueroa, 46, and her daughter Desiree Figueroa, 24, have been arrested and charged with murder, CBS Chicago reports. A third suspect, Piotr Bobak, 40, has been charged with concealment of a crime. He is Clarisa’s boyfriend.
Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said at a Thursday press conference that Clarisa claimed to have given birth to a baby, who was not breathing, the same day the victim vanished. He said that through DNA testing he is certain the child's the victim’s. The baby is currently in the hospital in “grave condition,” according to police.
“Words really cannot express how disgusting and thoroughly disturbing these allegations are,” Johnson said.
Desiree allegedly confessed to helping her mother strangle Ochoa with a coaxial cable found in the garbage can, according to police. Her cause of death was ruled strangulation.
Brendan Deenihan, Chicago police's deputy chief of detectives, said at the presser that evidence, included blood, was found in the Figueroa home.
The teen was nine months pregnant when she died. In addition to the newborn, she leaves behind a 3-year-old son.
Police say that in 2017, Clarisa lost a son, who was in his 20s, to natural causes.
It's not clear if the three suspects have lawyers who can speak on their behalves at this time.