Ethan Harfenist Couple Who Raised, Then Withheld, $400K For Homeless Vet Must Turn Over Cash, Judge Rules Kate McClure and Mark D'Amico raised over $400,000 for Johnny Bobbitt, a homeless vet who gave McClure his last $20 when she ran out of gas; now, they are the ones handing him money. By Ethan Harfenist 6 years ago
Couple Who Raised, Then Withheld, $400K For Homeless Vet Must Turn Over Cash, Judge Rules Kate McClure and Mark D'Amico raised over $400,000 for Johnny Bobbitt, a homeless vet who gave McClure his last $20 when she ran out of gas; now, they are the ones handing him money. By Ethan Harfenist 6 years ago