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Crime News Snapped

"I Guess I Should've Watched More Dateline": Woman Uses Boyfriend to Kill Pastor Husband

Kristie Evans claimed her husband, the local pastor, was forcing her into being a swinger.

By Caitlin Schunn

A small Oklahoma town was rocked in March 2021 when the pastor of a local church, David Evans, turned up dead in his bed. But as police dug deeper into the lives of David and Kristie Evans, they discovered accusations of abuse in the family, as well as other secrets, which included Kristie having. secret lover.

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“She used her sexual prowess to get him to do whatever she wanted,” prosecutor Tara Portillo said on Snapped, airing Sundays at 6/5c on Oxygen. “Which included murdering her husband. She played him like a fiddle.”

Was Kristie an abused woman acting in self-defense? Or a woman who seduced her boyfriend into killing for her?

How did David Evans die?

Kristie Evans, 47, called 911 a little after 1 a.m. on March 22, 2021 and claimed an intruder had shot her husband in their Ada, Oklahoma home.

David Evans, 50, was found dead in their bed from a gunshot wound to the head.

Kristie told officers they went to bed around 8:30 or 9 p.m., and then she woke up in the middle of the night to a “loud pop sound.”

Kristie Evans featured in Snapped Episode 3309

“I looked at him, and he’s bleeding out his mouth, and his nose, and he had a hole in his head,” Kristie told police during an interview.

She said after she heard the sounds, she ran out of bed, and checked the back door, which she found unlocked. Although she believed it to be an intruder who shot her husband, there were no signs of forced entry, and no valuable items were stolen.

The weapon was not found at the home, which ruled out suicide.

Police also found things that didn’t add up with Kristie’s version of events.

“If she were in bed next to the person who was just shot, it would have been very loud — it wouldn’t have been a ‘pop,’” Carl Allen, chief of police for the city of Ada, said on Snapped.

Police also questioned her intruder theory.

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“You wake up, and you find your husband who’s clearly been shot, and you think an intruder’s running from the house, most women are not going to go chase that intruder,” Portillo said.

David and Kristie Evans' Relationship

David and Kristie Evans first met when Kristie was a freshman in high school and David was a senior. When she was a senior, he asked her on a date.

After dating only a few months, the couple got married, less than a week after Kristie turned 18. Within a year of marriage, the couple had their first of what would be three children.

In 2007, David decided to go to college to become a pastor, and by 2015, he was named as the head pastor of Harmony Freewill Baptist Church in Ada. Despite the happy front put on for churchgoers, David and Kristie had issues in their marriage.

Neighbors reported to police seeing a white Mustang at the Evans' home, that didn’t belong to the family while David was away on a mission trip to Mexico for a week. This was corroborated by a neighbor’s doorbell camera. Surveillance videos from local businesses also caught the tag of the white Mustang, which belonged to a Kahlil Square.

When asked about Square, Kristie admitted he was her boyfriend.

“She and David are what people would refer to as swingers,” Portillo said. “They would meet up in Oklahoma City and have their affairs in different hotels and motels and whatnot.”

Kristie told police her relationship with Square began three months previously, after David initiated a threesome with him. Kristie decided to see him again alone, and they began “secretly communicating with one another.”

Eventually, police said, Kristie admitted that Khalil Square killed her husband at her request. But, she claimed it was because David was verbally abusive and controlling, and forced her into being a swinger.

“She felt that he was a sexual addict, and he wanted to watch her have sex with other men,” Portillo said. “Kristie tried to say that she believed that she couldn’t leave — that he would kill himself — potentially kill her. And that she just felt like the only way out was to have him murdered.”

Kristie told police she finalized a plan with Square to have her husband murdered while David was out of town on the mission trip.


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“Kristie told police that she was going to give David a sleeping pill, make sure he was good and asleep, she was going to leave the back door unlocked for Khalil, and that’s when Khalil was supposed to come in and shoot David and then leave,” Portillo said.

Kristie explained her reasoning for having her husband killed on Snapped.

“David loved us, as much as he could love anything,” Kristie said. “I think his view of love and what that was, was warped. It wasn’t love. But it was what David knew as love.”

David and Kristie’s son confirmed his father went so far as to use a tracking app on the family, and alleged he could be abusive.

“My dad did have a hot temper,” Anakin Evans said on Snapped. “When it wasn’t my mom, he’d take it out on me. Sometimes he’d just get so mad that he would hurt me. I mean, I went to school with concussions and stuff.”

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Kristie also claimed David called her names like “stupid” and “idiot,” as well as “slut” and “whore.”

“Mr. Square had said how beautiful I was, and how lucky David was to have someone like me,” Kristie said on Snapped. “I didn’t believe those things, but I wanted to, because David just constantly put me down.”

When Khalil Square was arrested, he told officers he believed he and Kristie were in a genuine relationship. He also alleged she used David’s $250,000 life insurance policy as an incentive to kill him.

“She promised him 160-something thousand dollars, and that she would buy him a brand new truck,” Tony Coleman, Square’s defense attorney, said on Snapped. “And the two of them would live happily ever after. That was the plan that was planted in Khalil’s mind.”

Square claimed Kristie also provided him with the murder weapon. His defense attorneys argued he was coerced into pulling the trigger.

“Once he got inside, something happened,” Coleman said. “He just absolutely could not do it. And he couldn’t move … she pulls him up on his feet and says, ‘Go do it! Now! Go do it now!' He at that point felt like he had no options.”

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In April 2022, Kristie Evans pled guilty rather than go to trial. Prosecutors showed a judge letters Kristie had written to Square and other men.

“Letters where she’s bragging about her sexual prowess,” Portillo said. “She says, ‘I’m so good in bed, that any man would have killed my husband.' One of the letters she says, ‘I guess I should have paid more attention to Dateline episodes.’ You know, basically saying that then she wouldn’t have been caught. Now that sounds like a woman who’s full of contrition, doesn’t it?”

Kristie was sentenced to life in prison. She’ll be eligible for parole in 2062, at the age of 88.

“I feel like the judge made a good decision,” Anakin Evans said. “I do love and care about my mom dearly, but this is the choices that she’s made …They made my dad to be this monster, but he wasn’t like that all the time. When he was good, he was what a father should be. But no matter how wrong that they did, I still love them. They’re still my parents.”

Khalil Square pled guilty in September 2022 and received a life sentence.

Watch all-new episodes of Snapped at 6/5c on Sundays on Oxygen and the next day on Peacock.

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