Do You Know Your Kids’ Hiding Spots For Drugs?
You might want to check their game console and graphing calculators.
Do you suspect your children are using drugs but don’t have the proof?
According to experts, kids aren’t just hiding drugs in their sock drawers anymore — it's time to familiarize yourself with some of the new hiding spots.
Police and school officials in Eau Claire, Wisconsin did just that this month, using a replica of a teen’s bedroom to show parents potential hiding spots for illegal substances, according to the Associated Press.
Authorities showed parents that kids can be sneaky in their attempts to conceal drugs. Some of the tools? A fake canister of shaving cream, spin-off water bottle and a highlighter marker in the bedroom — all actually makeshift pipes, primarily used for methamphetamine use.
“All of these things that are available on the internet to purchase, that we might as adults or other members of our community, might not be able to recognize as a warning sign of somebody using drugs," Bridget Coit, an Eau Claire officer told KBJR6 in Duluth.
Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration also created a list potential hiding places to check for drugs.
The most important thing they urge parents?
To “ strive to have an open and honest relationship with their teens.”
If that fails, they named some unexpected places and items to snoop, including alarm clocks and graphing calculators. The DEA said that teens could hide baggies of drugs inside their battery compartments. Game consoles are another odd, overlooked hiding place. The DEA says they have small parts perfect for hiding small amounts of drugs.
In addition to electronics, the DEA said that teens sometimes tape baggies of illegal substances to the back of posters on their bedroom walls. Often, according to the DEA, they stick the drugs inside their shoes, stuffed animals and even the home’s heating vents.
The DEA also states that kids’ cars another common stash place for drugs: inside the glove compartment, taped under car seats, behind the car's steering wheel and in the trunk.
[Photo: Getty Images]