Sarah Palin's Son Track Pleads Guilty To Trespassing After Allegedly Assaulting His Father
Sarah Palin was the one who called the cops on her son in December 2017, saying he was "freaking out."

Sarah Palin’s son Track pleaded guilty to criminal trespassing Tuesday for breaking into his parents' property and assaulting his father.
In a plea agreement, 29-year-old Track Palin pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal trespassing and will attend a therapeutic program, according to People. Pending successful completion of the program, he will avoid jail time. Otherwise he could serve up to one year, his lawyer said.
Palin's legal troubles stem from a 2017 incident where he was charged with misdemeanor assault and felony burglary after he allegedly assaulted his father, according to court records.
Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, was the one who called the cops on her son in December 2017, saying he was “freaking out and was on some type of medication,” according to a court affidavit.
The affidavit, first obtained by the Anchorage Daily News, said that Track had come to his parents’ house to confront his father over a disagreement about a truck. Todd Palin, who reportedly knew that his son was high and drunk, told him not to come over, according to the affidavit.
“Track told him he was [going to] come anyway to beat his ass,” the affidavit says.
When Track arrived at the Palin’s Wasilla home, he met his father at the front door before breaking a window and tackling his father to the ground. Track was arrested at his parents’ home after his mother called the police.
Track pleaded guilty in Veterans Court, a special court in Alaska for U.S. veterans, and will soon begin his therapeutic program that his lawyer described as “intensive,” according to People.
At the time of his most recent arrest, Track was on probation for a domestic violence arrest in 2016. In January of that year, he was charged with three misdemeanors: possession of a weapon while intoxicated, assault and interfering with a report of a domestic violence crime.
He pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm while intoxicated in a plea agreement in September 2016, according to court records.
[Photo: Getty Images]