Parkland Shooter Attracts A Flock Of Crazed Teenage Girls, Who Send Him Letters, Photos And Money
“Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome,” one fan wrote. “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”
The messages come on greeting cards and in envelopes covered in hand-drawn hearts.
They have photos with Hello Kitty filters and shots of cleavage.
There are so many they're stacked higher than college textbooks.
Parkland shooter Nicolas Cruz hasn't seen them yet though, because he's on suicide watch.
Cruz has a growing number of female fans, and some male too. They adore him, and send him salacious messages and scantily clad photographs, according to The Sun Sentinel.
The letters offer friendship, and encouragement. His fans are even donating money to his commissary in jail.
On Feb. 14, an Uber dropped Cruz off at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Within 10 minutes, 19 students were dead. Cruz allegedly confessed to the crime, according to CNN.
Now, the the crazed fans have appeared.
"I reserve the right to care about you, Nikolas!" wrote a woman from Texas.
Another wrote: “Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.” She says she's white with big, brown eyes. “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”
From Chicago: Nine photos, one of cleavage and one in a skimpy bikini with a popsicle in her mouth. Another with a shot of her butt as she's bent over.
One card, featuring a cat on the front, is from New York. It's from a man with man a bushy gray mustache. He enclosed photos of himself behind the wheel of his white, 1992 Nissan convertible.
One letter was from an 18-year-old in New York. “No one else is dealing w/your demons, meaning maybe defeating them could be the beginning of your meaning, friend. I know you could use a good friend right now. Hang in there and keep your head up." The ending is adorned with hearts colored in pink ink.
There are Facebook pages of support and hashtags on Twitter. There's even merchandise being sold, at $2 a pop.
Cruz won't get the suggestive letters. Obscene mail or threats are screened and returned to sender. Cruz is represented by public defender Howard Finkelstein, who worries that boys and girls are starting to view Cruz in an elevated way.
"The letters shake me up because they are written by regular, everyday teenage girls from across the nation,” he told the Sentinel. “That scares me. It's perverted.”
[Photos: Getty, Website Screengrab]