Man Sends Revenge Porn To Pre-School Teacher's Boss, Then Smiles For His Mugshot
The photos were sent to the pre-school’s Facebook page and some of the victim's friends.

A man from Seminole County, Florida smiled for his mugshot after being arrested for allegedly sending sexually explicit photos of a woman he met online to her boss because she didn’t want to date him anymore.
According to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, Giuseppe Garibaldi, 30, had a friends-with-benefits arrangement with the victim. The pair met in November and met up about five times.
According to a police affidavit, Garibaldi snapped photos of the victim during their sexual encounter without her permission or knowledge. He allegedly threatened to show the images to other people after he suspected her of dating other people.
In December, the victim told Garibaldi she no longer wanted to see him. The next day, she discovered that somebody had keyed her car. Naturally, she suspected her angry ex-lover, but had no proof so she didn’t report it, according to Click Orlando,
"This is someone who couldn't take no for an answer," Seminole County Sheriff Office spokesperson Bob Kealing stated. "This is someone who was told, 'I want this relationship to be over with' and he wouldn't take no for an answer, and then the threats started coming."
On Thursday, things really escalated between Garibaldi and the victim. He allegedly threatened to break down her home’s door and he blackmailed her with the pornographic images. Only hours later, the victim’s boss allegedly received a message from Garibaldi on Facebook. It said "You (sic) teacher's pics and video of your teacher are all over!" Attached, were photos and videos of the victim and Garibaldi in a sexual act. The victim works at a preschool and the photos were sent to the pre-school’s Facebook page. He also allegedly sent the images to some friends of the victim.
Police said that Garibaldi gave himself away in the images. An identifiable tattoo could be seen in the shots. Kealing called Garibaldi’s alleged acts more than just spiteful. They are also a crime.
"When you take this additional step of actually sending compromising photos like this with the intent to embarrass somebody, that's a crime," Kealing said.
It is unclear if Garibaldi has a lawyer at this time. He was arrested Sunday, according to the Orlando Sentinel. He then posed for his mugshot with a grin on his face. He faces charges of stalking and extortion charges.
[Photo: Seminole County Sheriff's Office]