Disabled British teen Nora Quoirin's naked body was discovered approximately one mile from the Malaysian eco-resort where she had disappeared 10 days earlier.
"If a defendant ever deserved a maximum sentence, in a case such as this, [Deon Austin] Welch deserves it," said a California judge of the man who repeatedly raped a young girl.
An unnamed woman in California thought she was being responsible when she hailed a Lyft because she was too intoxicated to drive safely. Then, she says driver Tonye Kolokolo took her to his home.
Steven Slater infamously deployed a plane's emergency chute and jumped down after getting into an altercation with a passenger in 2010. He's since moved to Tijuana, where he's gone missing.
"The sequel that nobody asked for & no one wants to see. #LarcenousLuke #TheSheriffStrikesBack," Star Wars legend Mark Hamill tweeted of his iconic character's woebegone namesake.
DNA testing has confirmed that the blood on a shovel discovered by police belongs to Joseph Daniels and not Joe Clyde Daniels, the son he is accused of killing.
Five-year-old Audrey is now the third person close to Jasmine Anderson to meet a premature end, including another young child, leaving their family with questions.