Wilmarie 131281WilmarieRead what Wilmarie had to say in her official season 6 Q&A with Oxygen. <br><br> iPhone or Blackberry?<br> iPhone 131286WilmarieCan't leave the house without? <br>Lotion 131291WilmarieFavorite place to shop? <br>Metropark 131296WilmarieWho's your fashion icon? <br>Mary-Kate Olsen 131301WilmariePop/Rock or R&B/Hip-Hop? <br>Indie rock 131306WilmarieFavorite song to hook up to? <br>Mike Snow - Animal 131311WilmarieFavorite band? <br>The Doors and The Kooks 131316WilmarieDo you prefer a comedy or action flick? <br>Comedy 131321WilmarieHottest celebrity? <br>Michael Pitt 131326WilmarieAn actor you'd love to hook up with? <br>Matthew Goode 4 photos Next GalleryHappy Mardi Gras Previous Pause Next 1 of 10