Update: Ashley BGC5 124076Update: Ashley BGC5We caught up with season 5 Bad Girl Ashley. Here's what's been going on since her BGC days. 124081Update: Ashley BGC5Since the show has ended, I have been extremely busy. 4186Update: Ashley BGC5As everyone knows, I graduated from Lamar University in May 2010 with a Bachelor's in Business Administration. 124086Update: Ashley BGC5It was of the utmost importance for me to open my first business at the age of 21, so needless to say, that's where my focus has been. 124091Update: Ashley BGC5I've secured my building, city permits, licenses, etc. and am anticipating a grand opening in January 2011. 124096Update: Ashley BGC5In addition to opening my business, I have a show on Blog Talk Radio and am the official host of an upcoming reality show. 124101Update: Ashley BGC5Somehow, in between it all, I've found the time to host parties and have my funny drunken moments. 124106Update: Ashley BGC5Check me out on Facebook at facebook.com/Badgirlashleyc & on Twitter @badgirlAshleyC. 1 photos Next GalleryUpdate: Jennavecia BGC2 Previous Pause Next 1 of 8