Ashley 59 photos Next GalleryBGC Episode 2: Broverload 126016Which Bad Girls would you want to back you up in a throw down? Natalie and Catya! 126021Biggest pet peeve? People that brag too much and people that act fake to get attention. 126026Who are your fashion icons? Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose. 126031Favorite song to hook up to? Scratchin' Me Up by Trey Songz & Slow Jukin. 126036Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. 126041What is the best date you've ever had? Flying to Vegas and being treated like a princess. 126046Where was your best hook up? In a stairwell of a hotel. 126051Twilight or Harry Potter? Twilight. 126056Nicest thing a guy ever did for you? Sent me flowers and a teddy bear after only having one date. 126061Favorite alcoholic beverage? Ciroc Redberry and Cranberry. Previous Pause Next 1 of 10