A new Peacock series, entitled "Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell" promises exclusive content related to the British socialite's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
Joshua Jackson plays Christopher Duntsch, who is currently behind bars for maiming dozens of patients, in an upcoming series about the infamous spinal surgeon.
The notorious sex trafficking ring operator John David Norman's closest associate, Phil Paske, had worked for John Wayne Gacy — but was Norman, a known sex offender, involved in the Gacy's crimes, as the serial killer suggested?
Jeffrey Rignall was lured into John Wayne Gacy's car, chloroformed and then brutally raped and beaten. When police downplayed the attack, he decided to conduct his own search for his attacker.
“The one thing I noticed that night is I have never seen him that happy in my life,” a Manson family friend said of the young groom’s wedding reception.