Sydney 123996SydneyRead what Sydney had to say in her official season 6 Q&A with Oxygen. 124001SydneyWorst fashion trend? <br> Colored contacts and Uggs 124006SydneyFavorite color? <br> Purple! 124011SydneyWhat's your dream guy like? <br> Clean cut knows good music &respects a pretty lady. 124016SydneyMust-read magazine? <br> Source, XXL...anyhip hop magazine 124021SydneyFavorite fashion designer? <br> Betsy Johnson 124026SydneyBest TV show of all time? <br> Tosh.O (Daniel Tosh is a weakness for me) 124031SydneyAn actor you'd like to date? <br> Tyrese 124036SydneyTwilight or Harry Potter? <br> Harry Potter 124041SydneyWhich Hollywood Bad Girl would you want in the house? <br> Jenna Jameson's sexy a$$ 124046SydneyFacebook or Twitter? <br> Twitter 124051SydneyHottest celebrity? <br> Megan Fox mmmm 124056SydneyFavorite song of summer? <br> The Jacka - Glamorous Lifestyle 124061SydneyFavorite movie of all time? <br> Almost Famous vs Fern Gully 124066SydneyFavorite alcoholic beverage? <br> Voddkkaaaaa 9 photos Next GallerySydney's Candids Previous Pause Next 1 of 15